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A project for easy-ish API creation and configuration.

Sourcegraph for Repo Reference Count Sourcegraph for Repo Reference Count Sourcegraph for Repo Reference Count Sourcegraph for Repo Reference Count



  1. Prequisites
    1. Structure
  2. Setup
    1. Pre-Configuration
    2. Installing
    3. Post-Configuration
    4. Launching
  3. Modules
    1. dffrnt.utils
    2. dffrnt.model
    3. dffrnt.route
  4. License


  • NodeJS (Latest)
  • NPM (Installed with NodeJS)
  • REDIS (See Structure below)
    • Install this in the same parent folder as this project under REDIS/
  • MySQL (v5.6+)
    • A user@% account is required for later configuration


Parent_Folder/ (Name NOT important)
   ├── dffrnt.api/ (Project-Root; any no-spaced Name will do)
   │   ├── config/ (Reference only; no need to create these!)
   │   └── ...
   └── REDIS/ (Name important! Don't change this name!!)

In this document, ./, refers to the project root; while, ../, refers to the parent folder



  1. Ensure the folder structure is setup.

  2. Ensure the prequisites are installed.

    • If the install method you chose for REDIS installs the files in a default location, be sure to symlink that location to the ../REDIS/ directory.
  3. In the MySQL database, create a user@% for yourself.

    • Be sure to give yourself appropriate permissions.
  4. Configure the redis.conf file in the ../REDIS/ folder:

    # ../REDIS/redis.conf
    ################################## SECURITY ###################################
    # Require clients to issue AUTH <PASSWORD> before processing any other
    # ...
    # use a very strong password otherwise it will be very easy to break.
    requirepass p@ssw0rd_h3r3!


  1. Download or git this project into the parent folder.

  2. In your command line, cd into the project root location.

  3. Install some packages at the global level:

    1. Run chmod +x ./.docs/npm_global.sh to make it excutable.

    2. Run sudo ./.docs/npm_global.sh to install some important, *global packages.

      These can be utilized across ANY or your projects:

      Package Description
      babel-cli A next-gen (ES6) JavaScript compiler.
      bower A package-manager for Browser plugins.
      cors A middleware for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
      depcheck A tool for analyzing the dependencies in a project
      express A fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for NodeJS.
      gulp A toolkit that helps automate development workflow tasks.
      less The dynamic stylesheet language.
      less-plugin-clean-css A gulp plugin for LESS -> CSS using clean-css.
      nodemon Will watch for files changes and restart your application.
  4. Run npm link gulp && gulp setup to:

    • Install the npm packages.
    • Install the bower components.
    • Initialize the config files.
    • Link the framework modules.


  1. In the ./config/ folder, configure the settings.js file:

    // ./config/settings.js 
    export default {
        Debug: true, // Debug‑Mode will display verbose Logs
        Port: 3001, // This is the Server's listening Port
        Public: {
            // Cache‑Age for Browser files
            Age: 365*86400, 
            // ...
        Session: {
            // This should be something hard to guess, like a phrase
            Secret: '¿mYd0GiS!nmYeyE&shEs4yS@uE?',
            Age:    (((3600*1000)*4)*1),  // TTL for User Sessions
            REDIS:  {
                Host: 'localhost', // Or whereever you keep it
                Port: 6379, // Listening Port
                // The password you configured earlier
                Password: 'p@ssw0rd!',
            Auth: { /* ... */ }
  2. Still in the ./config/ folder, configure the database.js file:

    // ./config/database.js
    export default {
        Config: {
            user:     'user', // The one you created in MySQL
            database: 'mydatabase', // The DB
            // ...
        Pool: {
            HeadEx1: {
                host: 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX', // The eVectr IP
                // The one you created in MySQL 
                password: 'p@ssw0rd_h3r3!' 


  1. Lastly, still in the project root, type gulp and hit ENTER to run, and watch the logs as the server starts up:

    Initial Gulp-Tasks being completed Initial gulp tasks being completed.

    Nodemon Monitoring Startup File monitoring, courtesy of nodemon.

    Node Server Startup The node server starting up.

    • If there are no glaring errors, you're done!
    • Otherwise... Sh!t..? ¯\(ツ)\
  2. In your browser, navigate to localhost:3001/api-explorer (or whatever port you chose) and you'll see the API Exploration UI. Use this to test your endpoints and/or signle sign-on functionality.

  3. Hit CTRL+C to stop the server.



Initial default Configs used within the DFFRNT.API Framework.


A collection of SQL Utilities & MySQL connector.


An Express/Passport/MySQL-based API Router.


A collection of useful API Utilities & PolyFills.


License: MIT